I feel conflicted.
This will be the most difficult blog post I have ever written
in one sense. In another, it will be easy. Easy because I believe it will boil
down to one word.
Second, I am selfishly scared of the backlash or rejection this
post may bring from people whom I care about very deeply. With that said, I
feel I must have the courage to carry on for the sake of others.
I have been hearing a lot of Bill 13 – the new anti-bullying
legislature that is being put in place. I promise you, this will not turn into
a political debate.
I will tell you why it bothers me to hear some of the
comments by Christian people about the subject of LGBTTIQ people, in the context
of the bill, and just in my general life’s journey.
Many Christians believe the Bible to say that homosexuality
is sin.
{I will interject at this point, the fact that many
Christians interpreted the Bible as saying that Slavery was right and
contributed to that horrific mindset
quite adamantly.}
Whether it is sin or not, (I will not get into the debate
over whether our sexual orientation is a choice or we are born into it, although
I think the answer is not so clear cut as some may think). is really not the
point. The point, I believe, is how we behave towards others regardless of our
belief system.
You may be thinking, Well,
Susie, neither homosexuality nor children starving is natural or God-intended.
should be doing something about both. Well if taking a stand is
your goal, why is it your goal? What is your motive? Is it to build up or tear
down? Because attacking one issue helps
and the other hurts. As to the one
that hurts...with what benefit? Your comfort? Alleviating your fear? Being right? It certainly isn’t changing
anyone’s mind on their sexual orientation or
making them feel valued and accepted.
But let’s say, hypothetically, that I agreed with the attitude
that those who fit into the LGBTTIQ way of life are wrong, or are making a moral
choice. Here’s where I get really tripped up:
“Love the sinner, Hate the sin.”
You may say it has nothing to do with fear. I would
challenge you to really think about that. Perhaps you are not fearful that you
will get some disease if you touch a homosexual (a ridiculous example, I know),
but are you perhaps fearful if it becomes “acceptable”, that your child may “become”
one? Might it be fear of the concept of “different”? Or maybe it is a fear born
out of your faith system being challenged. Could it be that you are afraid to
be wrong? I really can’t figure out that if it is just a moral issue, why you
might feel the need to fight against it so strongly. If you are adamant that
homosexuality is wrong, then don’t be one. (As if it were that easy.)
I’ll be honest.
I have both lesbian friends and trans-gendering ones.
Know what I see when I look at them?
People with heart, a soul and the deserved desire to be
I want what’s best for them and the only way I can
contribute to that is to accept them as they are.
The only thing I can see that matters is how we treat others
- Gay. Straight. Black. White. Small. Tall. Smart. Mentally delayed. Whole.
I’ll be honest...I
have more questions about God now than I ever did. But one thing I do believe
with all my heart is this: God is love.
Not to be applied “if they change”, or withheld with a “but
I’m right”.
Just love.
After hearing a sermon including the topic of homosexuality
as being wrong, the church congregation stood and sang together,
“Spirit of the living God fall fresh again
Come search our hearts and purify our lives
We need your perfect love we need your discipline
We're lost unless you guide us with your light”
- Starfield -Reign In Us
I wept with sadness, and with emotion choking my words, I could
only pray them in my heart.
Please guide us with your Light, God. Please help us to see
people as you do. Not as right or wrong, but simply with a lens of unconditional
It’s what it all boils down to.