Monday, March 17, 2014

The Natural Beauty FB Challenge: I Decline

I've been challenged. Over the past week, ladies are being nominated to post a picture of themselves with a naked face - makeup free. My understanding is this is to show that you are unashamed of the natural beauty that you are, created to be you without a mask. Only for me, this challenge stimulates a different response.
Let me explain.
I'm being brutally honest and vulnerable here by telling you this: When I don't wear makeup, people don't tell me that I'm beautiful. They ask me if I'm sick.
Every. Single. Time.
I have spent much of my life actually being sick, and I fight against that daily. The last thing I want is to look sick, especially if I'm feeling good.
I'm sure it's true that people who know me and love me see the essence of beauty in parts of my inner being (some of it though, is not so pretty), causing the outward appearance not to matter. I'm sure of this because when I see a friend without makeup, it changes nothing about the beauty I see in them. But I don't wear makeup for others. I wear it for me.
Some may think that women wear makeup to either draw attention to themselves or to hide behind a mask. Both I'm sure are true for some. But many of the people in my life, including myself, wear makeup because it enhances our features, giving us confidence and a satisfying view of our reflection in the mirror. I'm comfortable with that reason - as I know many of you are as well, since the majority of you who posted naked face pictures will also put makeup on one day soon.
It really doesn't matter to me whether you are more comfortable with or without makeup. You still are who you are. I commend you either way.
To be clear, I have no problem with all of you who posted your au-natural selves. As long as you felt no pressure, I say good for you. And if you were nominated, I'm sure it was with the best of motives, as I'm sure it was for me.
Could I have posted one? Sure. Are there pictures of me bare-faced on FB? Yes, there are. But in response to this challenge, I have declined to post one. Partially due to the fact that I was not comfortable nominating women that may not be comfortable with it and might feel public pressure, and partly because I do not want a list of comments telling me I'm a natural beauty. History has proven that is not the honest response to my naked face. Don't worry. I'm fine with that.
Just don't judge me for putting on makeup.
Why? Because I don't feel sick today.


  1. Suzie, I used to get the same comment every time I didn't bother to put make-up on..."are you feeling OK?" "You look tired" etc. etc. Whether I was feeling OK or not, I always got the same reaction. I would often feel terrible, put the make-up on and I have to admit, it fooled everybody. Anyways, I stopped using make up as an everyday "supplement" and I got lots of negative comments at the beginning. As people got used to me looking "au natural" or sick and tired as they would put it, the comments about my looks stopped UNTIL, on the occasional day I WOULD put some on. Well then the comments start coming in again, "Oh, you are looking better" "You look really good" Yup, I'd just answer back, "all this is thanks to Avon" or "make-up makes a great mask" OR "YUP, I'm a pretty good artist with the old make-up brush" It got a little annoying to be constantly reminded how nasty I look without make-up. I mean, the real me isn't pretty, I guess. (I knew that. Somehow when I lost the cute little girl look and slid into the adolescent years, the gawky and not so cute took over....and never left---enter- Make-up ( the great mask) Now, what really frosts my hinder parts is this....when ever I don't put make up on I am actually treated differently. Both by men and women. The most obvious was however- my Doctor. I did a number of tests (he didn't know he was being tested of course). And EVERY single time I didn't wear make up he was "cool" and even down right nasty at times. When I DO wear make up, he's as warm and kind as a best friend. IT CHEESES ME OFF to think that some stupid goop can affect how a person is treated SOOOO much. It's just about enough to make a person swear it OFF, but...I like the stuff. There I've had my say. Thank you Susie for opening this subject up for debate. Sincerely, a former Avon lady.


Feel free to join in the conversation or post a thought. I strongly believe we can learn from each other.