Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sexual Abuse/Assault: A Community Crime

I originally posted this a year ago and after being reminded tonight of all the sexual exploitation and abuse that can from within families, strangers, as well as through organized crime in the business of human trafficking, felt it appropriate to repost.

Spending the afternoon over coffee with a friend the other day, a statement was made that broke and overwhelmed my heart.
The statement my friend made was this: "Of all the people in my life, I know of only three, and maybe you, that have not been sexually abused or sexually assaulted."
These few words brought an immense sadness that I can't shake. Why? Because I have no doubt it is true.
What has come of the human race that multitudes of innocent people are deemed disposable in such a horrific and violent manner? In perhaps even as few as five minutes, a life can be altered in such a profoundly negative way that some never recover. What would their days look like if those events never took place?
The topic of justice came up shortly after that and there is no denying, too many perpetrators are living without consequence. ( I do wonder what led them to a place of such crime and hatred.)
 Conversation then turned to a specific event where a young woman my friend knows was under obvious distress, bloody, clothes torn, shaking, after having just been raped. In broad daylight this woman used public transportation and also travelled on foot through residential streets.
No one, let me repeat, no one, offered to help her. No one asked questions. No one was willing to get their hands or heart dirty.
Now I ask...was only one crime committed that day?
Some people, perhaps you, would say something to the effect of, "I've never been in a position to help someone like that. I would step in for sure."
First off, why haven't so many of us ever helped in a situation such as this? Is it because we don't dare use public transportation or go into those areas of town out of disgust? Is it because we would rather turn a blind eye and live in denial? Is it because we think someone else will take care of it?
Apparently they won't.
Okay, so maybe you haven't encountered a rape victim, but have you ever been suspicious of ongoing child abuse? Did you step in? Did I?
If so many people in this world are hurting from abuse or attack, and I believe they are, why aren't we noticing? Caring? Feeling? Enough to do something.
Thank you to my friend for reminding me to open my eyes and my heart to the hurting, even though I'm sure you had no idea that's exactly what you were doing in that conversation.
We can't be ignorant. It is wrong.
I realize this is certainly not a "feel good" topic, nor do I want it to be. In fact, my wish is that anyone who reads this feels pain and heartbreak even if for just a moment, just long enough to vow to look around your world, truly love, and care enough to help.

If you are willing to show support of those who have or will be abused, will you please hit the "like" button at the bottom of this page to help spread the word? I thank you in advance. 

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