Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Don't Give Undeserved Grace"

While listening to a podcast in my car recently, a comment was made by the interviewee that caused my heart to leak tears into my soul, turning it crimson. In reference to parenting, the man stated, “Sometimes parents shouldn’t give undeserved grace.”
It is of no importance to me if these words were thrown into the air in regards to parenting, or any other facet of relationship. I just can’t be of same mind.
As far as I am concerned, the very definition of grace defies the possibility of it being “deserved”. I suppose there are people who are kind, forgiving, giving and have a large capacity to love, but those are the easy ones to mirror those qualities back to. To be gracious in its truest form, offering it to the “unlovables”, is to generously extend the proverbial olive branch to its fullest value - even if the cost is great.

With the risk of sounding contradictory, to decide who deserves grace is easy.

 None of us.

 All of us.

None of us.

To quote the great Philosopher Jesus, “Let him without sin throw the first stone.” And one by one they turned and walked away.  
Life is not without consequence. And neither should it be.

But even consequence can be delivered with an attitude of grace.
I beg you, please join me in this awkward manoeuvring of thought, reshuffling our biases and predispositions to help us all experience a peaceful existence within humanity.


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