“Life is like a window. When on the inside looking out, all you see is possibility. Those with fear latch it shut and continue to stare but even if it is stuck, those with courage break through the glass willing to get scraped up and bleed a little, to gain all that is on the outside.”
The beginning of this quote started out as a joke amongst some friends and I. The assignment was to find a quote that would define their life. My husband and I thought it helpful to throw in our two cents. I threw the words “Life is like a window...” into the air and left them hanging as if profoundly wise. My friend settled on a finished quote as the basis for her assignment but my thoughts were already in motion.My mind fixated on the challenge of filling in the blank as if my heart would threaten to stop pumping if not given the answer. Blind spots blocked the words, taunting me every time my mind’s eye searched for resolution and focus. Finally, the concept unfolded, giving me rest.
That is, until, I realized I fiercely protect myself from the shards of glass which will provide the possibility for a healthy bleed. A healthy bleed you ask? Yes, a healthy bleed. This loss will give way to gain, causing my heart to beat faster, harder, irony twisting to make me more alive.
My heart demands I break the window as my mind hesitates, trapping me temporarily within.I pray my heart conquers letting me be, rather than just see.
Amen.To privately contact me please send messages to susiewithans@gmail.com